Fuel System

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Instructor: Digital TVET .
Categories: TVET


Fuel System of a Motor Vehicle

It's very important of flowing the fuel to the engine constantly. For the internal combustion engines, the flow of the fuel (diesel or gasoline) must be performed. In the fuel system, there are various components such as a fuel line, inlet track, filter, fuel tank, injectors, fuel accumulator, fuel pump, etc. You must have to note that the efficiency of every part must equal and these must perform ideally to get the great vehicle performance as well as reliability. The basic purpose of a fuel system is to supply fuel from the fuel take to the cylinder of the engine. Fuel storage is one of the other major benefits of the particular system.


The fuel tank of the fuel system of the motor vehicle works as a reservoir while in modern cars, the fuel system has some additional parts such as fuel neck, reservoir, fuel pump, fuel gauge, etc. While the fuel pump of the fuel system is a device that will be drastically helpful in the pumping process and the fuel pumps are drastically implemented in modern cars. Diesel engine pumps are of two types viz., low & high pressure where high-pressure pumps are usually adopted by diesel engines. Another major part of the fuel system of the motor vehicle is fuel filter where two types of fuel filters are usually implemented such as fine fuel filter & coarse fuel filter.  With the help of filters, fuel is refined from various dust particles that usually enter in it.



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  • 98 students entrolled
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