Propeller Shaft

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Instructor: Digital TVET .
Categories: TVET


Propeller Shaft & Universal Joint

The propeller shaft is the kind of shaft that is capable of transferring the power generated in the engine to the wheels. The working process of the propeller shaft depends on the gearbox. The propeller shaft is made up of universal joints where the propeller shafts run linearly in case the vehicle runs on the uneven surface. A straightforward definition of the propeller shaft can be stated as a shaft that is capable of carrying the screw propeller at the specific end while these will also lead to transfer the power from the engine to the propeller. A drive shaft is known for the shaft that is capable of transmitting the power from the passage to the rear axle of an automotive vehicle.

The propeller shaft is also known as the Cardan shaft which is known as the mechanical part of the transmission for transferring the torque along with the circumrotation. The mounting of the propeller shaft is between the clutch & gearbox which is located alongside the engine and between the gearbox & distribution box. Universal joints permit driveshaft for stimulating up & down with the suspension.

You must have to note that the driveshaft is not in a direct line between the transmission & drive wheels. Besides, the rear-wheel-drive vehicle has U-joints at both ends of the driveshaft. In the front-drive vehicles, there are two joints implemented such as constant velocity joints.



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